
The materials contained in the website have been posted by KCM SPECIAL STEEL CO.,LTD for information purposes only and should not be relied upon as specific advice or an application to a particular problem.

While KCM SPECIAL STEEL CO.,LTD attempts to include accurate information in the content provided on this site, occasional errors or omissions may occur. KCM SPECIAL STEEL CO.,LTD will make reasonable efforts to correct such errors or omissions, but makes no representation regarding the accuracy of information provided.

The information on the website is provided to users”as is”. KCM SPECIAL STEEL CO.,LTD makes no any other warranty or representation,either express or implied.Nither KCM SPECIAL STEEL CO.,LTD nor its agents warrant the accuracy,completeness,performance,currency,merchantability,or fitness for a particular purpose of the informations provided on the site,KCM SPECIAL STEEL CO.,LTD does not warrant that the informations are error free in content,nor shall KCM SPECIAL STEEL CO.,LTD be liable to customers or any other person or entity for any damage caused in any part by customers’ use of or redliance on the informations contained in the website or news, or for any consequential,incidental,indirect,punitive,special,or similar damages,evenif advised the possibility of such damages.

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